Autor:innenseite von

Samantha Hewavitharana

Vita von Samantha Hewavitharana

Dr. Samantha Hewavitharana is a doctor of medicine and was born and raised in Vienna, Austria. Her parents are originally from Sri Lanka. In 2008, after having re-read the Bible for several years, she converted to Christianity (coming from a Buddhist family background) and has ever since been intensively deepening her knowledge of the Old and New Testament. Her main interest is culture – i.e. music, arts, belief systems, food, and languages. She has also studied the sacred Scriptures of other faiths (i.e. the Quran and the Hadith, the Dhammapada) to have a better understanding of humanity and connect people of different faiths.

Interview mit Samantha Hewavitharana

Wer oder was inspiriert dich zum Schreiben?

God Almighty

Welches Buch sollte deiner Meinung nach jede:r gelesen haben?

The Bible/Tanakh

Was möchtest du deinen Leser:innen mit auf den Weg geben?

Read the whole Bible/Tanakh - it is world-literature and the world's most read book of all time! May "Meet the Prophets" help you understand the Bible better.

Is Meet the Prophets about future prophecies?

Yes - Meet the Prophets contains past (so that you can learn to understand God's language better and as proof of the Bible's veracity), present and, of course, future (end-time) events. Keep reading the Bible (along with Meet the Prophets) and watch the news to see the prophecies unfold.